Become Your Own Muse
Imagine a life where you've embraced the GREATNESS in you? 

My ultimate goal is to help you transcend limiting beliefs and expired identities that block you from accomplishing your dreams, ambitions and desired life. Together we'll deepen your self-love, self-compassion, and faith in yourself to achieve your purpose in this lifetime.  

The Vision For Become Your Own Muse: 
To create a community of empowered, ambitious women who confidently express themselves without compromising their authenticity.
Through the power of coaching, you will conquer limiting beliefs, break free from unfulfilling patterns. You will learn to access your inner wisdom and create powerful shifts by tapping into the intelligence of your body.
In the end, you will leave and emerge as leaders of your own life with all the tools they need to be successful. .
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"Misha helped me in ways that I didn't even know that I needed. After 6 months of coaching, I feel like I have so many more tools to be fully confident and empowered in all aspects of my life. Our sessions helped to refocus my life and keep me in the present. I really can't recommend working with her enough!"
Sara Fischer
Political Consultant
"I had the honor of being coached by Misha, she brings her whole self to our session, she has a strong intuition with a great sense of humor, working with her was amazing, she took me places that I was nervous to go but they stretched me!"
Kelly Calheiros
Senior HR Leader
"Misha is an exceptionally warm, present, and insightful coach. The way in which she listened made me feel seen and the insights she shared allowed me to make space for positive action forward. Anyone who works with Misha is lucky to have someone like her in their corner!"
Yumi Perkins
New Fish Coaching Founder
"Working with Misha was literally a dream come true. Prior to our sessions I was indecisive and often over thought everything. Working with her on a weekly basis and the various prompts she provided me with thoroughly helped me push through and propel within the first quarter of 2023. She is very knowledgeable and easy to work with. I encourage everyone to make the investment into a session with Misha to properly get to the next level in their personal and professional life"
Raven Robinson
CEO, Pr2Politics
"Working with Misha has expanded the way that I view myself, my dreams, and my ability to support the two. She’s encouraged me to try new things and not be afraid of discomfort in the moment. Recognizing that I don’t spend enough time in my body, these sessions have taught me the benefits of breathwork and connecting with where I feel things in my body in a way I’ve never done before."
A. Jefferson
Political Fundraiser
"I would unequivocally recommend Misha as a coach. Especially to other young women with similar demographic backgrounds. She’s like a professional big sister, mentor, cheerleader, bestie, coach, teacher, accountability partner, sounding board, safe space, and mirror. Her genuine curiosity about who I am as a person and her heartfelt concern about my well-being drives her incisive questioning that lead me to my own intuition and guidance. Our work from these few months will influence me for years to come."
Harvard Law Grad
"I definitely recommend having a human design reading with Misha. This reading made a lot of things in my life make sense and I really feel like I understand my motivations and processes a lot more! Misha was so informative and deliberate in walking me through my reading. It was such an eye-opening and empowering experience!"
Sara Fischer
Political Consultant
New Year Planning
7 Tips To Prepare for the New Year
Be curious with yourself and the opportunities that are available to you in the new year.
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Become Your Own Muse
A Call To Action
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Coaching Benefits
Why I’m a Life Coach and the Benefits of Hiring Me
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Human Design
How Human Design Helped Me With Self Acceptance
A cross between Astrology and personality type tests.
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How Can I Help?
Book a Clarity Call Today!
A clarity call is the initial conversation where we connect & establish your goals and the direction of our coaching partnerships.