Why I’m a Life Coach and the Benefits of Hiring Me

June 6, 2023


We all have unique gifts, a d yet some are praised and encouraged while others are shamed and laughed at until we put them on a shelf and forget about them. Over time, we may become resentful because we're not expressing ourselves to our fullest capacity. We've accommodated ourselves to meet others needs, and we lose sight of our needs and desires. We end up in a deep hole of bitterness and resentful people-pleasing.

If you relate to this pattern, then you relate to me. It's been a bit of my emotional journey, and it wasn't pretty. But choosing to end the pattern and take my gifts off the shelf has been rewarding and fulfilling. I want that for you too. My vision is that all women will dust off their gifts, their uniqueness, their quirks, and natural beauty to use for their own fulfillment. When we do that, we make the world around us better, and we inspire others to do the same. Imagine all the greatness we can create?

I'm a life coach now because I want to use my greatest gift: my voice, to support exploration, growth, hope, and optimism in my community. I can intuitively see and listen to people to help them come to their own conclusions about what they want in life. I'm here to guide you along your journey, to be a conduit for you and your next chapter. I'm not here to tell you what's right or wrong, but to ask the powerful questions that will lead you to express your truth. I'll be your cheerleader as you polish your gifts and start wearing them proudly again. I'll encourage and challenge you to make decisions based on the boldest and most loving version of yourself, not fear.

Benefits of collaborating with me:

  • I'm a committed advocate and encourager devoted to your personal growth and upliftment.
  • Through self-inventory and thought-provoking journal prompts, we'll delve into self-reflection, fostering greater self-awareness and growth.
  • I'll provide you with effective tools to discover and embrace your inner leader/CEO.
  • Gratitude practices that bring you to the present.

Let's shake off versions of ourselves that no longer serve us and become our own muse. Click here to book your coaching session.

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